Never Before Seen
This section is images from different galleries I visited that are not included in my posts.
2018. Oil, acrylic, and glitter on canvas
info unknown
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2022, cast ceramic, glass, diet coke
2022. multi-medium
48 monotype prints made using viscosity, a printmaking method in which Heap of Birds paints clear oil over transparent plexi plates, rendering a text in reverse. Without re-inking, a second print is pulled from the plexi plate resulting in what is known as a “Ghost Print.
2020. Mixed media.
2020. Mixed media.
2022. Mixed media on Darcon: wool, yarn, embroidery thread, acrylic on canvas paper, gouache.
Felt and digital print on brushed nylon
2023. Six UV laminated pigment prints and museum boxes.
2023. Acrylic on canvas
2003. Oil on canvas, ceramic, collage.
info unknown